corporate governance

Can HR measure up?

Can HR measure up?

New reporting requirements have been introduced around monitoring culture more closely. JENNY ROPER asks if this will improve corporate governance or be just another box to tick

“Rob is the miserable one of the partnership,” jokes visiting professor and executive in residence at IE Business School Gareth Jones, referring to his book – and article-writing partner Emeritus professor of organisational behaviour at London Business School Rob Goffee (who, poor man, is not on the phone call to defend himself).

But despite Jones’ opening quip it is he who is foretelling doom. “Here’s a miserable prediction: in light of the new corporate governance reporting guidelines boards will be saying to their HR departments ‘WE NEED SOME MEASURES!’” the former BBC director of HR and internal communications says, shouting this last part down the phone so loudly that those nearby in HR magazine’s office look round in surprise.

Independent External Board Reviews

Independent External Board Reviews

Independent external board evaluations emerged in parallel with the general development of the governance code for companies. The question now arises whether their current shape is fit for purpose in the modern corporate environment, where society/CSR and employee engagement are playing an increasing part in the context of a company’s right to operate and accumulate numerous benefits and advantages from society?

The Information Revolution Passes Our Boards By

The Information Revolution Passes Our Boards By

The knowledge emerging from the Carillion Inquiry and other reports on the lack of traction from NEDs, casts a dark pallor over the cause of active governance by NED’s.

INSEAD Corporate Governance Centre Scaling New Heights

INSEAD Corporate Governance Centre Scaling New Heights

Today, in a Special Edition on INSEAD Directors Forum newsletter, it was announced that from 1st September 2017, INSEAD Corporate Governance Initiative (ICGI) will take on a new identity as INSEAD Corporate Governance Centre (ICGC).

The Governance Landscape

The Governance Landscape

An article by Helen Pitcher OBE for the Company Secretary’s Review
Volume 39, Issue 6, July 2015

"The governance landscape as you will be aware has been developing rapidly over the past three years. In overall terms there has been an increased focus on the sustainability and longevity of companies by the regulators which is reflected in the governance code and guidance provided by the FRC."

The HR director as NED

The HR director as NED

By Advanced Boardroom Excellence for HR Magazine, 21 May 2015

In the final governance article we look at the issues facing HRDs seeking to create NED careers and increase influence with boards. Given that an HRD has key capabilities in the areas of executive career management, talent development, remuneration, culture and behaviour, what is holding HRDs back from NED roles?

Take care of the board amateurs

Take care of the board amateurs

An article by Carly Chynoweth for The Sunday Times originally published on 26 October 2014

When some non-executives are elected as ‘lay’ directors, the chairman may need to fill in gaps in their knowledge and stop top-level bullying.

IMAGE: Lesley-Anne Alexander, chairwoman of Acevo, where most of the board is elected by the members, says she appoints extra directors to fill any gaps (Akira Suemori)

Boardroom Standards Scrutiny

A City A.M. news article
Originally posted on January 24, 2014 at

Board evaluations – used by companies to improve their practices in the boardroom – need to be improved according to Helen Pitcher, an expert on corporate governance...