Board and Executive Coaching

Leadership is both complex and challenging, where success is measured on results. Executive Coaching can help Organisations and Individuals to build upon their Leader’s capabilities to achieve their goals.

Helen Pitcher is a Leading Executive Coach. She works across the range of FTSE, Professional Service, Private Equity and Family firms, where she has successfully coached many leading CEOs, Senior Directors and Emerging Executives. She was awarded an OBE for services to Business in 2015.


Coaching CEO’s, Directors and Senior Leaders

The coaching programmes are delivered with a wealth of knowledge, expertise and skills gleaned from over two decades of operating at the Board and at Board Director level.

Helen creates a bespoke coaching programme for CEO's and Senior Leaders that focuses on three key development points:

  • preparation and development for the Board,

  • performance and achievement on the Board

  • World Class life career and legacy planning


Coaching Women as Directors and Leaders

Helen has a particularly successful track record of supporting senior women to fulfil their goals and ambitions, providing unique insights into what it takes to make it to the top and advance in a chosen career.

Helen provides expert behavioural coaching at Board level to build resilience and performance, supporting the development of women into Executive Committee and Board roles.

Helen shares her understanding of psychological executive landscape and the implications for women’s development at a practical level. She will equip individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to fulfil their goals and aspirations.


Find out more

If you’d like to find out more about the services we can offer you and your organisation, please contact us on