Our Research

At Advanced Boardroom Excellence we are committed to undertaking cutting edge research.


Chairman of The Future: Diversity at The Top

The sustainability of companies and businesses to contribute and benefit all of their stakeholders, is increasingly at the forefront of the minds of Politicians, Regulators, Society Pressure groups and Individuals. 

The journey of Boards over the last 10 years towards greater diversity has seen a significant shift and we are starting to see the benefits of these more diverse Boards performing effectively in response to a wide range of challenges.  The fact that this has been achieved in the UK with a governance ‘Code’ which is “not a rulebook, but sets out good practice”, and is guided by the ‘Comply or Explain’ principle, is a significant achievement.  


HR on the Board?

HR on the Board? is a research report by Advanced Boardroom Excellence exploring why HR is largely absent from boards. Many feel HR directors lack the business acumen and strategic thinking capabilities needed at board level. However, even those who did not see HR directors as board players mostly recognised the value of their skills, especially their high levels of emotional intelligence and ability to handle difficult issues in a mature way.  As well as exploring the reasons for HR’s absence the report offers guidance on how the expertise of HR can be leveraged.


Board Responsibility

‘Walking the Tightrope of Board Responsibility – a Difficult Balancing Act’, is a research report by Advanced Boardroom Excellence and Tyzack Partners which suggests that the introduction of the ‘Senior Managers’ Regime’ next year could act as a deterrent to and lead to a narrowing of experienced and capable business people considering non-executive directorships at leading financial services companies.


Diversity Report

The Diversity Report 2014, published by Advanced Boardroom Excellence, is a research report on diversity with a focus on female talent in organisations. The report looks at this diversity agenda through the eyes of 70 successful women leaders and provides an insight into the extraordinary waste of female talent being overlooked.


The Effective Board

The Effective Board, published by Advanced Boardroom Excellence seeks to bring together some of the more important aspects of current thinking about boards, and individual and collective director effectiveness, based on recent research and experience, and new understanding.


Board Review Code of Practice

Board evaluations – as set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code – are one of the principal methods for building board effectiveness. There is a perception, however, that the scope and service quality of evaluations is variable, and there is a concern about standards.

The draft Code of Practice seeks to begin a discussion to address and resolve this perceived lack of market confidence, and install a more coherent framework to allow companies and consultants to work more effectively together.