Elaine McPherson, Executive Coach and Assessment Consultant

Elaine has fifteen years consultancy experience and is the Advanced Boardroom Excellence lead in assessment.  She provides assessment-coaching consultancy for client’s at senior levels.  In addition she also provides project support for consultancy activities.

Elaine is qualified on a wide range of assessment feedback questionnaires including SHL Personality profiles and Ability tests, Hogan Development Survey, Firo-B, BarOn 360 and the new Wave personality questionnaire.

Elaine has a MA in Human Resource Management and is a Graduate member of the IPD and has held a number of roles within HR consultancy. In her current role she provides individual feedback to clients who are undergoing career transition, coaching and assessment programmes. 

Elaine’s assessment-coaching style is focused on the individual; she brings a wealth of evaluation and assessment expertise to the coaching process.  She is strong in creating effective outcomes for individuals and producing assessment reports which provide both insight and practical support.