Board and Executive Succession Planning

In addition to board succession planning for the roles of Chairman, SID, NEDs and Committee Chairman, succession planning for the CEO and CFO has long been seen as important for the future stability of the organisation. However, a focus on longer-term strategic executive succession planning is increasingly vital for the sustainability and longevity of the organisation. 

Boards increasingly recognise that taking a long-term view to succession planning is crucial to ensure the ‘talent pipeline’ can provide the diverse, dynamic and creative ‘seed corn’ for the organisation’s future. 

Board members increasingly use their ‘strategic clout’ to alter and temper career flows within the organisation as they look at a future beyond the immediate battering and buffeting of the past five years to reconsider this key strategic underpinning of organisational sustainability.

This insight into the talent pipeline - the future life-blood of the company - is central to organisational continuity and the board’s shaping and influencing of this for the future.  These Board and Executive Succession planning services over the following areas:

  • Board NED Skills Matrix, providing a systematic approach and analysis of board and NED strengths and potential areas of development and growth.

  • Board NED Succession Programme, the articulation, analysis and mapping of the board NED succession plan. This includes the specification of potential NED roles for the Nominations Committee.

  • Executive Director Succession Programme, focusing on executive succession from a board perspective to create a better connection for the whole board with viable executive succession candidates. Going beyond potential internal CEO and CFO candidates, creating an engagement and involvement in real in-depth key executive planning for the Board.

  • CEO-Executive Development-Assessment Review Process, this process provides the opportunity for senior leaders to take a deep and detailed view of their own development in relation to their career goals. This is set within the context of the Board level executive succession planning and specifically targeted at the CEO-Executive succession.


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