Executive Coaching

Leadership is both complex and challenging, where success is measured on results. Executive Coaching can help organisations and individuals to build upon leader’s capabilities to achieve their goals.

Our approach to Executive Coaching is designed to match training outcomes and set the goals of the individual and organisation. With a good understanding of your organisation, challenges and goals, we can support individuals and teams to gain personal insight that improves confidence and drives personal change.


Coaching CEO’s and Senior Leaders

The Advanced Boardroom Excellence CEO Accelerated Development Programme is designed to support each individual’s development into the CEO role and their longer-term career development. This programme also addresses the legacy issues often uppermost in the minds of senior leaders.

The programme is delivered by our team who have a wealth of knowledge, expertise and skills gleaned from over two decades of operating at the Board and Board Director level. 

We deliver a series of bespoke coaching programmes  for CEO's and senior leaders that include three key development points:

  • preparation and development for the Board,

  • performance and achievement on the Board

  • world class life career planning


Coaching Directors

The Advanced Boardroom Excellence, Director Accelerated Development Programme is designed to support the individual’s development in their director role with a focus on longer term career aspirations, in particular developing their organisational performance and achieving their career goals.

This programme is designed within the context of a series of bespoke coaching programmes for individuals who operate at board level. This series has three key development points:

  • preparation and development for organisational leadership roles

  • performance and achievement in managerial leadership roles

  • world-class life career planning

The Accelerated Development initiative works at the three levels of:

  • Individual needs and requirements

  • Creating accelerated achievement of performance

  • Achieving long-term success


Developing Executive Directors as an NED

Advanced Boardroom Excellence is uniquely placed to coach and support transitions into NED roles while in an executive role or as part of the creation of a longer-term ‘portfolio career’. 

The Executive NED Development Programme is unique in providing a search focus to obtain an external NED role and coaching support for the individual to take on and grow in the NED role.  This coaching support is designed to clarify the transition across the strategic and operational differences and develop their understanding of the interpersonal and behavioural dynamics of sitting on the Board.

Working at board level and maintaining daily contact with the Chairmen and NEDs of FTSE 100 companies through to private equity companies, we are able to provide an insightful, strategic and practical perspective and focus on the NED search. 


Coaching Women as Directors and Leaders

The Advanced Boardroom Excellence Women as Leaders Programme provides unique insight into what it takes to make it to the top and advance in a chosen career. 

We provide expert behavioural coaching at board level to build resilience and performance, supporting the development of women into executive committee and board roles. 

We share our understanding of basic psychological differences and their implications for women’s development at a practical level. We will equip individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to fulfil their goals and aspirations.


Emerging Directors Coaching

Development in a director role, where responding under a higher profile spotlight while developing in a more ‘isolated’ role, can be challenging. The Advanced Boardroom Excellence, Accelerated Director Development Programme provides a unique insight into what it takes to get beyond technical and functional expertise and become an influencer and strategic thinker for those executives on the cusp of stepping up to board director level.

We deliver a series of bespoke coaching programmes that include three key development points:

  • Preparation and development for the Board

  • Performance and achievement on the Board

  • World class life career planning

These programmes are designed to support individual development in a director role with a focus on longer-term career aspirations, developing organisational performance and achieving your career goals.


Find out more

If you’d like to find out more about the services we can offer you and your organisation, please contact us on admin@abexcellence.com.