High Impact Director and Executive Leadership

Our high impact approach to director and executive leadership effectiveness drives collective goals and translates these into a positive engagement with your organisation.

We leverage the individual’s sense of their leadership style and role as a leader.  We help the individual and the team to understand their leadership style as individuals and as a group, stimulating them to increase the range of effective approaches and drivers of influence in organisations.

High-Impact Director Leadership Programme

The Advanced Boardroom Excellence High-Impact Director Leadership programme is designed to maximise the effectiveness of the top leadership team including its traction and engagement with the organisation and key stakeholders.

The programme begins with a short sharp personal ‘insight assessment and coaching’ intervention. This provides the foundation for a series of dynamic collective leadership sessions designed to create alignment, cohesion and commitment as a collective team.

We benchmark the individual and collective interpersonal and organisational behaviour, providing dynamic feedback to create a platform for engaging in accelerated leadership performance through our strategic tools, techniques, and experiential learning approaches.


Find out more

If you’d like to find out more about the services we can offer you and your organisation, please contact us on admin@abexcellence.com.


“Our Accelerated Director Leadership programmes have supported many executive committees, divisional boards and global leadership teams to dramatically accelerate the leadership performance profile of the collective team” - Mark Winkle, CEO and Executive Coach Advanced Boardroom Excellence
